Oklahoma Aquarium
Since Aron was so good yesterday at the wedding, sitting nicely in his stroller most of the time, we decided to go to the aquarium today! He liked looking at all the fish. And he got to walk all by himself!!
Yeah, we got to go to a wedding this weekend! Great fun! We helped out a bit helping the guests find the book to sign and making and serving punch. The bride and groom looked great as did their whole wedding party! Just have to show some pics!
Joyce and me ready to welcome the guests to sign the book.
The wedding party
Yay, married at last!
Robert making punch, good job!
Joyce and me serving punch.
Could they be next?! =)
Joyce and me ready to welcome the guests to sign the book.
The wedding party
Yay, married at last!
Robert making punch, good job!
Joyce and me serving punch.
Could they be next?! =)
Color fun!
Aron got finger paint for Christmas, so we had to try it out! Do I have to say it was messy?! It was quite natural to have a bath afterwards. But it was fun!!
Getting ready for the paint!
Mummy, I'm all sticky...what should I do?!
I'd better just use the sponges, it isn't as messy....
Now we are getting started for real!
Look at that messy hand!
Getting ready for the paint!
Mummy, I'm all sticky...what should I do?!
I'd better just use the sponges, it isn't as messy....
Now we are getting started for real!
Look at that messy hand!
Fun in the park!
Aron likes to be outside, here he enjoyed some time in the park. Unfortunately it was quite cold so the time had to be limited.
Merry Christmas!!
Christmas is here! For all of you that celebrate today on Christmas Day I wish you a Merry Christmas, and for all of you who celebrated yesterday I wish you a good continuation of the Christmas!
We did it as we do in Sweden, that is we celebrated yesterday on Christmas Eve! We started out at home with breakfast, getting ready and then some presents. Aron saw the presents early and walked around all morning saying "tep" which is his word for "paket" the Swedish version of present sort of. So we thought it would be cruel not to let him open some. So before lunchtime we opened most of them. He was excited! He really loved ripping the paper off and seeing what was inside!!
After that was done we also went online to talk to grandma and the rest of the family in Indal, however the connection was really bad so we just sat there looking at each other more or less, but at least they got to see Aron for Christmas!! =)
Here are some pics from the morning!
Then it was time for a nap. After that nap Aron was really excited to go see Tilde and her family! We brought with us some Christmas foods and went over there to eat together! It was really a blessed time! We even got an almost authentic Swedish Christmas dinner!! We had Jansson, rödbetssallad, sill, potatis, skinka, vörtbröd (!!), ägg med kaviar, and a lot more! We even had the traditional beverage JULMUST!! I would have to say that i think the best thing was the bread, julvört!! I have so missed Swedish bread over here!! After dinner we had the kids open some more presents! Fun to watch them! Then it was time for the traditional Christmas porridge and after that we went to church!!
Here are some pics from the afternoon!
The whole day was really blessed! Thanks everyone for everything!
We did it as we do in Sweden, that is we celebrated yesterday on Christmas Eve! We started out at home with breakfast, getting ready and then some presents. Aron saw the presents early and walked around all morning saying "tep" which is his word for "paket" the Swedish version of present sort of. So we thought it would be cruel not to let him open some. So before lunchtime we opened most of them. He was excited! He really loved ripping the paper off and seeing what was inside!!
After that was done we also went online to talk to grandma and the rest of the family in Indal, however the connection was really bad so we just sat there looking at each other more or less, but at least they got to see Aron for Christmas!! =)
Here are some pics from the morning!
Then it was time for a nap. After that nap Aron was really excited to go see Tilde and her family! We brought with us some Christmas foods and went over there to eat together! It was really a blessed time! We even got an almost authentic Swedish Christmas dinner!! We had Jansson, rödbetssallad, sill, potatis, skinka, vörtbröd (!!), ägg med kaviar, and a lot more! We even had the traditional beverage JULMUST!! I would have to say that i think the best thing was the bread, julvört!! I have so missed Swedish bread over here!! After dinner we had the kids open some more presents! Fun to watch them! Then it was time for the traditional Christmas porridge and after that we went to church!!
Here are some pics from the afternoon!
The whole day was really blessed! Thanks everyone for everything!
Yucky, yucky
Well according to Aron most things are yucky yucky now. Sometimes he uses the Swedish version too; Blää, but mostly yucky yucky. It can be anything, shoes, jacket, food, crackers, you name it...
I wonder when this will change, soon I hope!!
And an update on Andreas toothache; He is now looking more like himself again. The face got so swollen, the pics that I put on the blog are just not telling the truth...it was way worse. I might have to ask his permission to put some other pics up....It wasn't pretty!! Now he has an appointment at the dentist on the 6th of January.
I wonder when this will change, soon I hope!!
And an update on Andreas toothache; He is now looking more like himself again. The face got so swollen, the pics that I put on the blog are just not telling the truth...it was way worse. I might have to ask his permission to put some other pics up....It wasn't pretty!! Now he has an appointment at the dentist on the 6th of January.
Tooth ache
Andreas told me his tooth was aching yesterday, the one he had a root canal done in this summer. He was on painkillers all day yesterday. Today when he woke up he looked like this....
He says it feels like the swelling is going up towards his eye....luckily he is going to see a dentist this afternoon!!
Then the most recent photo of our little one:
He is feeling much better today, hardly any fever at all.....I wonder what kind of wonder medicin he got this time!! =)
And for me personally, I feel much better today. But as always after a stomach bug it takes a while to feel like yourself again...I hope to be able to eat more today though!
Over and out
He says it feels like the swelling is going up towards his eye....luckily he is going to see a dentist this afternoon!!
Then the most recent photo of our little one:
He is feeling much better today, hardly any fever at all.....I wonder what kind of wonder medicin he got this time!! =)
And for me personally, I feel much better today. But as always after a stomach bug it takes a while to feel like yourself again...I hope to be able to eat more today though!
Over and out
What a day!!
I suppose I only have myself to blame for not sleeping that much last night. I got to bed at around 1am....so when Aron woke up at around 3 am I wasn't that keen on getting up to play...however he did so we were awake until about 5.30 am or so..then he finally fell asleep for another hour...yeah one hour....and he was awake for a while again, but did go back to sleep until 9 after that so not much sleep.
I also woke up feeling really bad....and I obviously got some kind of stomach bug....no details here....=)
Aron had a high temperature and after a doctor's visit we now know that he has another earinfection....poor thing.
That is not enough, Andreas also had some problems today, with his tooth....the one he got fixed in Sweden this summer....a rootcanal...so he's on painkillers taking care of a fuzzy Aron today....Doing a great job by the way!!!! Thanks!!
As for me, most of the day was spent in bed...resulting in an aching back...
We are praying we all will be well tomorrow though!! And now Aron is on antibiotics over the holidays so hopefully he'll stay well!!
Take care!! I hope you all are doing well for the holidays!!
I also woke up feeling really bad....and I obviously got some kind of stomach bug....no details here....=)
Aron had a high temperature and after a doctor's visit we now know that he has another earinfection....poor thing.
That is not enough, Andreas also had some problems today, with his tooth....the one he got fixed in Sweden this summer....a rootcanal...so he's on painkillers taking care of a fuzzy Aron today....Doing a great job by the way!!!! Thanks!!
As for me, most of the day was spent in bed...resulting in an aching back...
We are praying we all will be well tomorrow though!! And now Aron is on antibiotics over the holidays so hopefully he'll stay well!!
Take care!! I hope you all are doing well for the holidays!!
A mostly good day!
I got to take a loooong hot shower in the morning!!
I spent a few hours shopping/chatting with K! We had a great time, just two girls doing whatever they want! No kids, no husbands, just us!
At GAP we ran into some other Swedes...funny how small the world is!
Andreas went to get dinner from KFC, so no cooking today!
On top of that we got our grades, and we made it this semester too!!
The not so good thing however is that our little angel is running a temperature again....it's no end to this it seems....
I spent a few hours shopping/chatting with K! We had a great time, just two girls doing whatever they want! No kids, no husbands, just us!
At GAP we ran into some other Swedes...funny how small the world is!
Andreas went to get dinner from KFC, so no cooking today!
On top of that we got our grades, and we made it this semester too!!
The not so good thing however is that our little angel is running a temperature again....it's no end to this it seems....
Nu när vi äntligen har lov och det är så nära jul måste man ju fixa till lite julstämning!! Här är några julelement från vår lägenhet!
IKEA adventsljusstake på bänken!
IKEA stjärnor på väggen
Andreas nyförvärv, en minikrubba kan man kanske säga!
Några av lussebullarna som bakades igår!
Det här gillar jag!!
Å lite snö....
Och igår kväll satt vi och pratade om vad vi ska ha på julbordet. Det verkar som om vi får ett rejält julbord trots allt! Bilder på det kommer så småningom!!
IKEA adventsljusstake på bänken!
IKEA stjärnor på väggen
Andreas nyförvärv, en minikrubba kan man kanske säga!
Några av lussebullarna som bakades igår!
Det här gillar jag!!
Å lite snö....
Och igår kväll satt vi och pratade om vad vi ska ha på julbordet. Det verkar som om vi får ett rejält julbord trots allt! Bilder på det kommer så småningom!!
Ja Victory Christian Center som är kyrkan vi går i har en speciell julgudstjänst varje år. Det är en illustrerad predikan om julens budskap. Dom bygger om hela scenen, och har säkert ett hundratal deltagare i själva julspelet. Det är allt ifrån småbäbisar till äldre, och för att göra det hela ännu mer levande så tar dom in riktiga djur. En åsna, en get och två kameler....inte det vanligaste man ser i en kyrka direkt.
Eftersom jag själv glömde kameran den gång jag var fick maken ta med den när han gick så här kommer lite bilder!
Josef får ängla besök
Samtal om den kommande Messias
Maria ridandes på åsnan till Betlehem
Mycket folk i Betlehem, svårt att få ett rum
Herdarna får ängla besök
Herdarna har hittat stallet
Jesus är född!!
Ja julspelet i korta drag då....
Eftersom jag själv glömde kameran den gång jag var fick maken ta med den när han gick så här kommer lite bilder!
Josef får ängla besök
Samtal om den kommande Messias
Maria ridandes på åsnan till Betlehem
Mycket folk i Betlehem, svårt att få ett rum
Herdarna får ängla besök
Herdarna har hittat stallet
Jesus är född!!
Ja julspelet i korta drag då....
Mer väder...
Idag står termometern på -9 grader celcius....det är kallt kan jag säga, riktigt kallt...
Det är även is på marken...halt, rejält halt....
Och sen har vi nåt som ska likna snö....eller ja mer som hagel som ligger kvar på marken kanske.....men lite julstämning får man allt....även om det knappt syns.....
Detta är Oklahoma...från +23 i går till -9 idag....det går upp och ner kan man säga. Vi får se när det går upp igen....
En bild på Aron i den lilla snö vi har kanske sitter fint?!
Lite lurig kille...=)
Det är även is på marken...halt, rejält halt....
Och sen har vi nåt som ska likna snö....eller ja mer som hagel som ligger kvar på marken kanske.....men lite julstämning får man allt....även om det knappt syns.....
Detta är Oklahoma...från +23 i går till -9 idag....det går upp och ner kan man säga. Vi får se när det går upp igen....
En bild på Aron i den lilla snö vi har kanske sitter fint?!
Lite lurig kille...=)
Oklahoma väder
Vi åkte till köpcentret för att äta idag.
När vi åkte var det 23 grader varmt.
Ungefär två timmar senare hade vi ätit klart, och Aron hade fått leka en stund.
När vi kom ut var det inte mer än 4 grader varmt.......
Oklahoma väder i ett nötskal!!
Undrar vad morgondagen har att erbjuda....
När vi åkte var det 23 grader varmt.
Ungefär två timmar senare hade vi ätit klart, och Aron hade fått leka en stund.
När vi kom ut var det inte mer än 4 grader varmt.......
Oklahoma väder i ett nötskal!!
Undrar vad morgondagen har att erbjuda....
Finally Chrismas break!!
Yep, now our finals are done for this semester! Even though we got a bit disrupted in our studies for the last two, due to Aron being sick, I believe over all I did ok! Now it is just relaxing for a couple of days, then we can start thinking of what else to do for Christmas!
Aron's first time on stage!
Yes! Last weekend the church had their children's christmas program! We went so that Aron could be with all the other kids singing on stage. We saw him enter the stage at the side together with the other kids in his group, but when we went to take photos of him he was gone...We looked and we looked but no Aron. It would have been silly if we did not get a chance to see his first performance!! Andreas finally found him....right at the front row in the middle of the stage! I guess someone didn't want to be on the side! =) So here are some photos from the event!
The kiddos entering the stage!
Aron entering the stage! He's at the left below the stairs in a red shirt.
This is where we thought we would find him...not so, not so! But if you look close behind one of the teachers in the middle you can se Tilde!
Lots of kids!!! Even the babies were there!
And there he is our little son, we found him when there was only one song left to sing...right down the middle of the stage!
Not really used to so much people looking at him.
He did clap his hands! Looking a bit confused though...
The kiddos entering the stage!
Aron entering the stage! He's at the left below the stairs in a red shirt.
This is where we thought we would find him...not so, not so! But if you look close behind one of the teachers in the middle you can se Tilde!
Lots of kids!!! Even the babies were there!
And there he is our little son, we found him when there was only one song left to sing...right down the middle of the stage!
Not really used to so much people looking at him.
He did clap his hands! Looking a bit confused though...
Christmas Train
Yesterday evening we took a one and a half hour trip to Dry Gulch, north-east of here, to visit the Christmas Train!!
It was a fun evening! We arrived to a small western town. The people working there were all dressed up and the buildings were lit up with christmas lights. You could find the train station, small restaurants, a church, a christmas shop and more. Not only could you ride the main attraction; the christmas train, you could also take a trip with a horse carriage, or just walk around by foot. Other attractions were a big playground (which the kids really enjoyed), a carousel, and horseback riding. We arrived around 6 pm and started out taking the train. During the ride we got to see nice paintings of the Bible, from Genesis to revelation. The nativity scene, the cruzifiction and the empty grave were played by real people while we passed by. Really professionally done! We all enjoyed the ride!
After the train ride we went to have something to eat. While waiting for the guys to get the food, Aron and Tilde ran around the christmas tree inside the building where we were to eat. They had a great time! With our stomachs full of food we went to the christmas shop to look around! Finally before leaving we let the kids play for a bit on the big playground. We were back in Tulsa after 10 pm so today we slept in a bit.....=)
So here are some pics from the event!
A fire to sit by!
Our company and a man all dressed up!
Aron and Tilde!!
On the train!
One of the paintings we got to see.
In front of the train.
The train!
Inside the christmas shop!
The train again!
...and again!
And the playground that was so much fun!
Well, it is now time to resume the studying....finals are coming up next week....then the holidays!!!!
It was a fun evening! We arrived to a small western town. The people working there were all dressed up and the buildings were lit up with christmas lights. You could find the train station, small restaurants, a church, a christmas shop and more. Not only could you ride the main attraction; the christmas train, you could also take a trip with a horse carriage, or just walk around by foot. Other attractions were a big playground (which the kids really enjoyed), a carousel, and horseback riding. We arrived around 6 pm and started out taking the train. During the ride we got to see nice paintings of the Bible, from Genesis to revelation. The nativity scene, the cruzifiction and the empty grave were played by real people while we passed by. Really professionally done! We all enjoyed the ride!
After the train ride we went to have something to eat. While waiting for the guys to get the food, Aron and Tilde ran around the christmas tree inside the building where we were to eat. They had a great time! With our stomachs full of food we went to the christmas shop to look around! Finally before leaving we let the kids play for a bit on the big playground. We were back in Tulsa after 10 pm so today we slept in a bit.....=)
So here are some pics from the event!
A fire to sit by!
Our company and a man all dressed up!
Aron and Tilde!!
On the train!
One of the paintings we got to see.
In front of the train.
The train!
Inside the christmas shop!
The train again!
...and again!
And the playground that was so much fun!
Well, it is now time to resume the studying....finals are coming up next week....then the holidays!!!!