Spring Break!

This week has been spring break! Not sure break is a good word though, I still had to study...but there was time for other things too! A short getaway was the high point of the week. We looked up a hotel that was not too expensive but had nice features, and that wasn't too far away and then we went! That meant that we ended up in Locust Grove about an hour from Tulsa. I bet it would have been nicer a different time of the year though. We took the scenic route but I'm not sure of how scenic it really was...
The hotel was just off the main road, the room had a private jacuzzi which we enjoyed, the breakfast was ok (Aron loves hotel breakfast...) and there were two options of resturants in walking distance. We ended upp at Denny's. After a nights sleep we went to explore. Andreas had read about some "blue hole" which should be nice to see! So we went to look for it. The map we had was not great so we ended up in no-where pretty much on a dirt road with a river crossing the road, yeah, not the road crossing the river....we took another road but could not find what we looked for, so we went back. Once back by one of the main roads we realized: it was just there, just yards from the road....It wasn't as big as we thought...but we saw it!
Then off to see a lake and then back home again! Stopping at the mall and at an creamery for icecream before home! Good short vacation, not sure I was more rested when I got home though, but we had a nice time!

And the pics!

Jacuzzi in the room!

Milkshake from Denny's before jumping in!

River crossing the road...

On our way back...

Out in no-where! And believe me there are houses here and there... can't belive that people live this far out!

This is what we were looking for...

The big lake was not that hard to find! ;)

Yep that was that!
Next week, back to school...only 6 more weeks to go! Yay!!


A lot of sad news lately, but on a more positive note: Tickets to Sweden are now booked! We'll be leaving Tulsa on May 21 arriving in Sweden early the 22nd. We're hoping all the snow will be gone by then....but considering how much it seems to snow there this winter, who knows?! ;) We're looking forward to see our country again even though we will most certainly miss the U.S. a lot too!

Beloved Grandma!

Yesterday my beloved paternal grandma went to heaven, 96 years old. Now all my grandparents are gathered together in heaven, spending time with their Lord and Savior! It is sad to see her go, she was a big part in my life and she will be greatly missed by me and by family!

Vila i frid farmor! Vi ses i himlen!

My Grandma

Last week my grandma went to heaven. She used to tell me about a dream she had, about an elevator that came down to take her to heaven. She had been waiting for that elevator to come and get her, she wanted to go there! She will be missed by many, my sweet grandma!

Vila i frid mormor!

White Christmas in Tulsa!

It is Christmas time! Yay, we like Christmas time! This year is the first of three that we actually have family visit us! Aron is really enjoying having Uncle Joel and Malin, and Auntie Aster here, he is wearing them out....:)
And we got a white Christmas too, yesterday on Christmas Eve it was snowing all afternoon, so today we woke up to a beautiful landscape, all in white with the sun shining! We just had to go outside for a while! Aron was a little hesitant to begin with, but once it was time to go inside again he really enjoyed the snow and was playing around with it! I wish he had better clothes to wear so that we could stay outside longer. Here are some pics.

Our Christmas tree!

Malin and Aster on Christmas Eve

Aron making fudge with daddy

Joel making a funny duplo man

Trying to talk to family in Sweden

Food time

Santa, is this for me?

No, it was for daddy....

Mr. and Mrs.

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas Day outside in the sun and snow!

I like this snow thing!

...not sure why I look so angry...

How about a dip in the pool??

Watch out daddy, I'm gonna throw it on you!!

This is it for now, I wish you all a great continuation of the holidays!! Merry Christmas!!

Kan själv!

Aron kan själv!
Det är det relativt nya uttrycket här hemma numer... 

Aunt Elin

Yeah, aunt Elin was here for two weeks! It was so much fun! We just stayed here in Tulsa since we had class and field education during her time here. But we did do some shopping, some eating and some video watching among other things. The weather was warm so we visited the pool a couple of times too! And Aron just loved playing with moster (aunt) Elin!

Imitating a pineapple, do you see the resemblance?

Off to the pool!

Gathered to watch Aron ride his bike on the balcony.

And then Aron borrowed the camera for a while, he took some pretty got ones, just check them out!! ;-)

First one beauty.......

....then a second beauty!

Just look how he really caught the glow in the cross! ;-) He must have really planned it thouroghly!

And just look at this master piece, if this isn't true art what is?! ;-)


Den senaste veckan har termometern visat mellan 38 och 41 grader. Det är VARMT med andra ord, lite för varmt faktiskt. Jag gillar värme men dessa temperaturer är lite i överlag till och med för mig. Prognosen visar fortsatt varmt framöver, förutom på söndag då det "bara" ska bli 33 grader. Det är tur att det finns pool!

Aron älskar att plaska runt i vattnet! Han hoppar modigt från kanten och "simmar" hundsim fram och tillbaka. Poolen är en hit med andra ord!

Grandma visited

We had another visit from Sweden this year, grandma Gunilla. She arrived in time for our finalsweek, which meant we were pretty busy studying...but once the week was over we got some more time for other things! Here are some pics:

New puzzle from grandma!

Making yummy cookies

Aunt Aster sent some fun ducks to play with! Thank you!

Walking in the mud....no fun, I don't like getting dirty.....

A new pair of pants and I'm on the go again!

Flirting with grandma, while playing on the new guitar she got me!

A walk to the park!


In the car on our way to Dallas, Texas

We were really surprised when the driver came out....it was an old man, probably in his late 80s or maybe even in his 90s....

The Texas border.

Making a funny face.

Downtown Dallas

Waiting to go up in the tower.....but once it opened we got to know that Aron couldn't go up so the two of us waited downstairs instead.

The view from up there.

The tower from below

Aron and mommy

At the hotel pool, a little hesitant to begin with....

...but then we had fun!!

Daddy and Aron

Aron with grandma in the bubble pool

Then before the trip home, a visit to IKEA ofcourse!


Graduation is a big deal over here! We went to Johan's graduation Friday and yesterday. There were two ceremonies, the first on Friday, called Hooding. This ceremony was by schools, so the School of Theology and Missions were in Christ's Chapel. The ceremony included a procession of the teachers and graduates. It also included speaches and songs. At the end there was the Hooding ceremony which meant that the graduate was called to stage where the dean and the graduate's advisor awaited him or her. If the graduate has a GPA over 3.8 he/she is considered honors, and if the graduate has a 4.0 he/she has high honors. This is then indicated by a colored ribbon or something like that. Purple for honors and gold for high honors. This he/she receives before entering the stage. On the stage the people mentioned above then took the hood that the graduate had on his arm and placed it as a hood on his back. Then the photo and the graduate can leave the stage and the next graduate comes up. 

Here is Johan after his Hooding:
With Dean Mathew and Dr. Hart

Notice his gold around the neck, High honors!!

The big graduation ceremony is the commencement and that took place in the Maybee Center on Saturday! All graduates were present from all schools, both graduate and undergraduate departments. The ceremony was close to the hooding cermony in what it contained, but instead of the hooding the graduates received their diplomas. The speaker was Bill Hybels from Chicago. He held the commencement address to the graduates before the graduates were presented on stage. This ceremony took about three hours, we however, left after Johan had been called up. Aron did really well, but after Johan he started to be a little restless. And since pictures say more than words here are some:

This is going to be us next year....if all works out as it should!

Then there was party time in the evening celebrating with Johan!

Congratulations Johan! You made it!! =)

Girls night out!!

I was invited by Karolina to a girls night out ! It was the two of us and two of Karolina's friends; Jennifer and Cheryl!
We went to the Jenks Riverwalk, I cannot believe I have not been there at all, even though we live a walkingdistance from it and have been here for two years! It was so nice! It was right by the river (well, it is called riverwalk so...) and there were some stores and restaurants with outside eating as well as inside! We ended up at the Mexican place, and we sat outside! Great! The feeling of Sweden almost with the outside terrass! I had nachos, which tasted great. An appetizer was more than enough! Our waitress must have had a bad day or something. She didn't remember what we had ordered to drink for example, and when she came with our checks she had lost her pen and went on a hunt for a new one, I don't remember what number but it wasn't the first pen she had lost that evening. We had fun, girltalk and relaxing! It was especially nice to know that I had had my last final that morning so I didn't have to worry about school!

Here are two pics from the event!

Jennifer and Cheryl

Me and Karolina ( at least Karolina looks good, don't look at me! )

Annorlunda söndags gudstjänst

Igår var vi i en annorlunda kyrka. Den låg mitt i ett mindre bra område i downtown området, och medlemmarna var till största delen människor från det vi skulle kalla den lägre samhällsklassen. Det var fd. knarkare, kriminella, och hemlösa. Många är dock fortfarande kvar i sina problem med droger och sånt. Ett par med två barn (2 år och 10mån), är hemlösa, mannen tjänar som lovsångsledare i församlingen och han gör det så bra, han klagar inte om sin situation utan prisar Gud.
Pålysningarna handlade inte om vad som kommer att hända i kyrkan nästa vecka utan om var man kan  få hjälp med olika saker, tex. var man kan få hjälp att skaffa möbler och kläder eller var man kan få löständer till en billig penning. Kyrkans vision är att nå dessa de minsta som Jesus talar om! Och man lyckas verkligen.
Efter gudstjänsten får alla som varit med ett gratis mål mat. På onsdagar tar pastorn sin van och ett gäng människor och åker till olika foodbanks där de kan få gratis mat. Just nu hyr kyrkan en lokal på söndagar men man har som mål att snart skaffa en egen lokal så att man kan börja med nya aktiviteter. De vill fixa en garderob där man kan komma och få kläder, de vill ha en foodbank så att folk kan få mat och mycket mer.
Pastor Greg är vår gode vän från ORU och han gör ett enormt jobb med dessa människor! Hans kärlek för dem är verkligen genuin och han bryr sig inte om att folk luktar eller ser smutsiga ut, han ger dom en kram ändå! I hans ögon är de precis lika mycket värda som alla andra människor som har det bättre ställt! I den här kyrkan är du välkommen även innan du "get your act together" innan du är "cleaned up," du får komma precis som du är med problem och allt!!
Detta vill jag se mer av även i Sverige!!!

To all you Swedes

Just thought I'd let all of you Swedes know:

We have had about 30 degrees (celcius) here today and yesterday!

The sun has been shining and it has been just perfect summer weather!

The summer season seem to have started!

We are truly enjoying it!!

So if you miss it, you know where to find it!

Grandma, grandpa, snow...and more!

I have to say that I have been really bad at updating this blog lately....Naturally a lot has happened. We have had grandma and grandpa here, a fun time! Aron loved it! During their time here we took a trip to Branson. We have also had funny weather going on. Last weekend of March we got more snow than we have had all winter, and last winter too....weird!

Well, I'm just going to let the pictures talk! I hope you enjoy them! At the airport!

Lunch at ORU!

Lots of gifts! Soo much fun!!

Biiiig jump! At the park.

Ready to go to Branson!

Precious moments chapel

Close to Branson

Tired boy! Holding the ear is a good sign of tiredness...

Sharing a yummy milkshake with mom!

Yep, Titanic

Great weather!!


Sounding like ducks!!

On the water!

Branson Landing

At the zoo

Bye bye, grandma and grandpa...=(


Aron and daddy on adventure while mom had weekend class....

Lots of snow...

And a birthday party!

Becky turned one! Such a cutie!

Blowing out the candle!


Baby Jennifer!


Yay, I had my birthday this Saturday!! Not that I want to get older but....we had a good time!! The day started out with a cup of tea in bed which is always nice to get!! =) Then it became less fun...Aron was in a really bad mood all morning...luckily we were going away to another birthday party at 1pm! Lucah turned 1, and we got to be there for her celebration!! Yay!! Unforunately we forgot our camera....so no pics from that...but she's soo cute!!
Back home we started preparing for the evening. I made two pies and Andreas made muffins, chocloate muffins! Then we cut fruit and made things ready for people to come.
There was a drop-in thing so everyone did not come at the same time, which was pretty good in a way since we don't have that big of an apartment...
Here are some pics!

Some of the snacks we had!

Me and Johan getting snacks for the kids.

The kids enjoying the snacks! Karolina and me in the background.

Aron wanted to help me with the presents, he opened them and brought them back to whoever had come with them...=) funny boy! Karolina, Hugo and Erika in the background!

Aron with Jason

Aron and Erika having fun!!

Becky playing with Aron's toys, Reshi in the background!

Aron with Jonnel

Reshi, Aisha, Erika and me.

I had fun, hopefully everyone else had fun too! Thanks for coming guys!


Sa har sag var godislada ut nar vi precis kommit fran Sverige i somras:

Sahar ser den ut idag:

Hall med om att det ser lite fattigt ut!!

Malin var ar du??? Trodde du skulle komma och besoka oss med en vaska full med godis....det positiva med det sen ar ju att den vaskan kan fyllas med klader pa hemvagen....=)


Alla Hjärtansdag är här. Som med det mesta annat i det här landet så är det en stor dag. Redan när julsakerna plockades av hyllorna på Wal-Mart kom Alla Hjärtansdags sakerna fram.....
När vi i torsdags var för att handla de alla hjärtansdagskorten Aron skulle ha med till dagis, var det fullt med folk bland just dessa saker...det känns som lite av en hysteri över det hela...lite väl mycket!!
Vi fick i alla fall tag i kort som inte kostade skjortan och så blev det jordgubbar till kalaset på dagis.

När vi hämtade upp Aron på eftermiddagen hade han en hel stor påse med sig hem....Detta var innehållet:

Vad jag inte riktigt förstår är varför man ska dela ut kort till alla i klassen...hur mycket förstår en tvååring av alla hjärtansdag liksom?!? Men godiset var uppskattat....dock väl reducerat i antal innan det når hans mun =)

Själva passade vi på med en dejt i torsdags, det blev en god stekmiddag på Outback!! Det var nog ett halvår sen senast, så det smakade väldans gott! Johan och Hugo var här och lekte med Aron under tiden vi var och åt! Tack killar!

Before and After

We cut Aron's hair.....yesterday it came off....really off....I'm wondering if we made a mistake....



Well, you  tell us.....a mistake or not?!


Det blev en dag hemma! Tittade ut och såg snö i morse....sen var det regn och senare även isregn...mysko väder här borta....
Vi har i alla fall njutit av dagen inomhus i värmen! Familjen W kom på besök och Aron och Tilde hade helskoj i flera timmar!!
Nu i kväll har jag hunnit med lite läsning och nu är det dags för sängen. Vad morgondagen har att erbjuda återstår att se...


It's icy here! Really icy....it took a while to get all the ice off the car...it's cold......too cold!!
Was hoping to get a day at home tomorrow due to this weather, but it doesn't look that way...well I have to take the morning classes off since daycare is closed in the morning, it opens later due to the weather....
Well well, so it is...
I hope the weather is better wherever you are right now!!

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