
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
Today we have had a nice afternoon with the Winbo family! It began at Mimi's Cafe, where we had a nice thanksgiving dinner! The wait was not too bad, only about half an hour, and with such great weather it wasn't a problem at all!

The dinner was great! I just loved the mashed potatoes!! Really worth recommending! (For next year that is =))

If you look carefully you can see part of Hugo's hand....Aron is totally out of the photo though....;)

After enjoying our dinner we thought we'd take a trip to Rhema, where they have all the Christmas lights. We were there last year too but since the Winbos had not been, we wanted them to see all the lights!! Andreas captured the lights with the camera, so here we go....

....some pics, especially for you Swedes to enjoy! Beat that if you can!! =)

Once home again we ended up on the sofa reading, really cosy!

The little one is still not asleep, he keeps talking to himself in his bed, probably has a lot to take in before he goes to sleep I guess, especially after being home sick for a few days....
Take care y'all and Happy Thanksgiving!

Postat av: elin

ja de där ljusen var en upplevelse! ser ut på bilderna som att det var likadant som förra året.. känner igen alla figurer.. :)

2008-11-28 @ 18:05:03

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