Nu kostar en gallon (3.78 liter) bensin 2.06 dollar!
Dvs. ungefär 50 cent per liter,
vilket borde bli kring 4 kr litern då!!
Dvs. ungefär 50 cent per liter,
vilket borde bli kring 4 kr litern då!!
Today in the car Aron is talking quietly by himself and suddenly he says in a louder voice: Animos. He has somewhere picked up the word animals! It's fun to hear him say things that we didn't know he knew!
And by the way, today he is feeling good again, no fever and eating much better! Tomorrow it's time for daycare again, something that he has spoken about the whole day.....
Squirrel, one of the animals we see most often here.....
Aron at the playground at daycare!
And by the way, today he is feeling good again, no fever and eating much better! Tomorrow it's time for daycare again, something that he has spoken about the whole day.....
Squirrel, one of the animals we see most often here.....
Aron at the playground at daycare!
My baby is not well today, he woke up with a temperature that continued to go up, poor thing! He is now taking his nap, looking so peaceful, I hope he is feeling better when he wakes up! So there goes our plans for the day. There is a children's funfest in the church and we were planning on going so that Aron could have some great fun, but....we'll have to wait until next year then! I hope everyone else is having a good weekend!!
Igår när vi var och firade Hugo på hans första födelsedag sa Aron nåt.....han ville ha leksaken som Hugo höll (hans födelsedags present till råga på allt....) så han skrek MY!!!! Eller ja, det var i alla fall så jag och övriga tolkade det hela. Kan ha varit lite närmre ett MINE också vilket ju skulle vara lite mer grammatiskt rä vem tänker på grammatik i den åldern?? Antar att engelskan börjar sätta sina spår, vem vet snart kanske han kommer hem och bara pratar engelska.....
.....ja massor, och åska = mörkt....boooooring!!! Tanken är att vi ska till chapel om ett tag, jag känner inte för att sätta foten utanför dörren om man säger så...Andreas han är redan ute han....att han orkar....
Inget riktigt paraply har vi heller....bara ett litet skruttparaply som knappt håller ihop, har tänkt så många gånger när jag varit och handlat att jag ska köpa ett paraply, men eftersom vädret har varit bra just då så har det ju såklart känts lite slösaktigt och trist att köpa ett paraply, det får man minsann äta upp såna här dagar....Skulle gärna ha ett par snygga gummistövlar med...undra om dom har sånt i det här landet, får nog åka och kolla nån dag....
Ja såhär ser det ut utanför vårt fönster idag........
Så här såg det ut ute igår kväll.....
...lite skillnad va?! Jag föredrar gårdagens bild i alla fall....
Inget riktigt paraply har vi heller....bara ett litet skruttparaply som knappt håller ihop, har tänkt så många gånger när jag varit och handlat att jag ska köpa ett paraply, men eftersom vädret har varit bra just då så har det ju såklart känts lite slösaktigt och trist att köpa ett paraply, det får man minsann äta upp såna här dagar....Skulle gärna ha ett par snygga gummistövlar med...undra om dom har sånt i det här landet, får nog åka och kolla nån dag....
Ja såhär ser det ut utanför vårt fönster idag........
Så här såg det ut ute igår kväll.....
...lite skillnad va?! Jag föredrar gårdagens bild i alla fall....
We don't like.....
.....the fact that one dollar is now almost 8 would be good if we were actually earning dollars.....but since we have student loans in SEK it could be better, much better!!
On the other hand the gas price has gone we could be joyous of something anyway.....
On the other hand the gas price has gone we could be joyous of something anyway.....
We made another trip to Dallas this weekend! Cannot stay away from IKEA.....we heard they had "julmust" now so we just didn't want to miss that, we missed it last year... "Julmust" for those of you who don't know is a softdrink we Swedes drink for Christmas, and last year we had to do without so this year we compensated with more instead....But.....we didn't just buy "julmust"......we bought a lot of other stuff too...
Paradis chocholate, crisp bread, "glögg"....and more.....
Aron's naptime came up while we were at IKEA, and he actually did go and try all the kids beds there....=)
But IKEA was not all we did in Dallas, actually we started out at the Texas state fair on Saturday when we came. After driving around for a parking space for a while we finally got to go in! Lots of people.....lots of people!
Can you spot us??
The big ferris wheel....
We looked around for a bit but went almost instantly to the Museum of Nature and Science which was our destination. They have a childrens museum which we thought Aron might like! And he did! He ran around for a long time playing with all things! Really enjoying himself!
Big fire truck and there were even some child-size firemen clothes and hats to borrow!
There was even water to play with!!!!
Cars, building blocks, balls, mirrors yeah, lots to play with!!!
Funny faces with dad!
Making music with mom!
"Eating" hamburgers in the kitchen!
Once we left the museum we were hungry....after all that play and a long day we had pizza! Yum! Then we decided that since we were at a great big fair, we should at least try one of the attractions, so we chose the ferris wheel.....
The view of Dallas!
The fair grounds from above!
Having spent the day in the car, at the museum and at the state fair it was really time for bed! We drove up to Frisco where IKEA is to spend the night at Embassy Suites there! Nice and comfortable and close to IKEA and Stonebriar Mall! We got back here to Tulsa on Sunday night! We did a new thing to keep Aron in a good mood in the car....
Well, that's our weekend, hope yours was as pleasant!
Paradis chocholate, crisp bread, "glögg"....and more.....
Aron's naptime came up while we were at IKEA, and he actually did go and try all the kids beds there....=)
But IKEA was not all we did in Dallas, actually we started out at the Texas state fair on Saturday when we came. After driving around for a parking space for a while we finally got to go in! Lots of people.....lots of people!
Can you spot us??
The big ferris wheel....
We looked around for a bit but went almost instantly to the Museum of Nature and Science which was our destination. They have a childrens museum which we thought Aron might like! And he did! He ran around for a long time playing with all things! Really enjoying himself!
Big fire truck and there were even some child-size firemen clothes and hats to borrow!
There was even water to play with!!!!
Cars, building blocks, balls, mirrors yeah, lots to play with!!!
Funny faces with dad!
Making music with mom!
"Eating" hamburgers in the kitchen!
Once we left the museum we were hungry....after all that play and a long day we had pizza! Yum! Then we decided that since we were at a great big fair, we should at least try one of the attractions, so we chose the ferris wheel.....
The view of Dallas!
The fair grounds from above!
Having spent the day in the car, at the museum and at the state fair it was really time for bed! We drove up to Frisco where IKEA is to spend the night at Embassy Suites there! Nice and comfortable and close to IKEA and Stonebriar Mall! We got back here to Tulsa on Sunday night! We did a new thing to keep Aron in a good mood in the car....
Well, that's our weekend, hope yours was as pleasant!
Good nights!!
Having complained about rough nights before I have to counter now with good nights! The two past nights Aron has slept all night long!! All night long, yeah, all night!! No "välling" and no disruptions at all! We are happy for that, it is so refreshing to wake up in the morning after nights like that. Another good thing is that Aron is often in a very good mood those mornings too!! That we have to love!
We are hoping for yet another good night tonight!
And to all you Swedes, sleep well! It is bedtime for you now, here we still have a few hours to go!
We are hoping for yet another good night tonight!
And to all you Swedes, sleep well! It is bedtime for you now, here we still have a few hours to go!
Who can resist some new photos of Aron? Yep, that's what I thought, nobody!!! So enjoy!!!
New PJ's and full speed toward the camera.....I'm gonna get ya!!!
I'm cool! I know I am! Just look at me in my sunglasses and my cap!
Ready for church! Well almost, I have to get my socks and shoes first!
Playing with the mega blocks and legos I got for my birthday! Tall tower, huh?!
I just liked sitting in the corner with my toys so that they could be in the photo too!!
I was invited to brunch at Erika's Saturday! Six girl, food and chatting, can it be better? It was a great morning! Unfortunately I forgot my camera at usual! I have to get better at bringing it, especially now when I'm blogging...=)
Anyway, girl-time is important, that we have to do more often!! Thanks Erika for inviting me!!
Anyway, girl-time is important, that we have to do more often!! Thanks Erika for inviting me!!
New shoes!
I wish I got new shoes, but these are for Aron! He is growing so fast.....
Midterms are finally over!!!
Yay!! This semester's midterms are over, fallbreak is here!! Gotta love it!
The week has been good however, remembering the previous midterm weeks we have had, this has been a great midterm week! I have been able to feel relaxed, something that I really didn't feel last semester...At that point I was ready to give up. I feel however, that I'm now able have a different approach to the studies over all, a much more relaxed approach! For that I just have to thank God!!
What fallbreak will bring us, we still don't know. We'll probably stay here, but if we feel like it we might as well do something fun too. This Saturday however, I'm having brunch with the girls!!
The week has been good however, remembering the previous midterm weeks we have had, this has been a great midterm week! I have been able to feel relaxed, something that I really didn't feel last semester...At that point I was ready to give up. I feel however, that I'm now able have a different approach to the studies over all, a much more relaxed approach! For that I just have to thank God!!
What fallbreak will bring us, we still don't know. We'll probably stay here, but if we feel like it we might as well do something fun too. This Saturday however, I'm having brunch with the girls!!
Yeah, it is that time of the year....I have my first on Friday night! I know it sounds weird, but yeah, Friday night....I have a weekend class this semester, this is the second weekend we are meeting. Actually a good format I would say, however also not always fun since it means being in school Friday night and all Saturday...but it means that during the weeks you don't have to go to that class, which means a little more time to study.
Well, back to midterms...We have another midterm on Tuesday and then on Thursday (next week) we have a Hebrew exam and a book critique due... so I guess we know what we are doing the next couple of days...
It feels like I forgot something....I really hope not!!
The best thing?? After midterms comes fallbreak!!!! =)
Well, back to midterms...We have another midterm on Tuesday and then on Thursday (next week) we have a Hebrew exam and a book critique due... so I guess we know what we are doing the next couple of days...
It feels like I forgot something....I really hope not!!
The best thing?? After midterms comes fallbreak!!!! =)
I dag är det första oktober....tiden går. Ute är det fortfarande mellan 20-25 grader varmt... Sååå skönt! En av de stora fördelarna med att vara här borta! Hoppas värmen stannar läääänge till!
Offa baa-bitti
Well, this is hard to explain in English....I'll give it a try though. Aron, he has his own words for certain things, and don't ask me where they come from. Some are really strange like his word for airplane; boack boa. I thought it would change when he hears us saying the real word for it which is "flygplan" for all you non-swedish speakers. But it hasn't changed so far, still when he sees an airplane he says boack boa....
Now when looking in the book grandma sent he saw grandpa and the lawn-mower and he says: Offa baa-bitti. Offa is for grandpa which is "morfar" in swedish so that I understand how he gets, but baa-bitti.....??? I just don't get it. The Swedish word is "gräsklippare" not really close to baa-bitti in my ears....But it's cute! Hopefully he'll learn some day!
Offa's baa-bitti....
Aron's baa-bitti!!
Now when looking in the book grandma sent he saw grandpa and the lawn-mower and he says: Offa baa-bitti. Offa is for grandpa which is "morfar" in swedish so that I understand how he gets, but baa-bitti.....??? I just don't get it. The Swedish word is "gräsklippare" not really close to baa-bitti in my ears....But it's cute! Hopefully he'll learn some day!
Offa's baa-bitti....
Aron's baa-bitti!!
Big problems.....or?!
Both Grey's Anatomy and ER had season premiere last night! Yeah!! However, that proposed a problem...Grey's Anatomy started at 8 pm with a two hour premiere, and ER started already at 9 pm so what should I do?? Miss ER and continue seeing the second hour of G.A, or quit the second hour of G.A to see ER??
I ended up zapping between the least I got the main idea of what was going on.....and I'll tell you they both started out dramatically....
I ended up zapping between the least I got the main idea of what was going on.....and I'll tell you they both started out dramatically....
Some relaxing!
I just thought I'd share my day with all of you Swedes who can't enjoy the weather over here! Today we had about 30 degrees here (celcius that is...) and we just couldn't stay away from the pool when we saw that it was open. Usually it closes at the beginning of the month but for some reason it seemed to have changed this year, and we're not sad about that! =)
Another rough night....
Yep, I don't know what's up with this little one. He woke up at 1.30 am or so and just became hysterical....he did not want to sleep at all. Either it was: water, new diaper or I want to play....I tried to lay next to his bed and hold his hand, but he just stood up straight screaming at the top of his I tried to take him up, and he got quiet and looked very sleepy, but he is heavy so I couldn't really carry him around for an hour or so, I had to come up with a new idea. I could have taken him into our bed, but I just didn't feel like him getting used to that, since that would mean him in our beds more nights, which in turn would mean no sleep for me, so I got the brilliant (??) idea to get into his crib with him.....I know it must have looked very funny...luckily I'm not that heavy so the bed didn't break, but I sat there at his feet for probably 45 minutes before he finally went back to sleep. At least he was quietly lying in his bed while I was sitting there. Gives you time to think at least.
Well, hopefully tonight will be better.....=)
Well, hopefully tonight will be better.....=)
Pictures say more than words!!
Doctor's appointment
Well, rather walk-in = usually looooong waiting time.
We decided to go see a doctor for Aron's rash and fever. At the check-in we got the news that the waiting time would be between 3-4 hours....did we still want to check in?! Well yeah, since we went there it seemed like a good idea..
However after sitting down I told Andreas to go home and study some, so that at least one of us would get something done...not long after he left a nurse came to check Aron's temperature, she said she'd speak to the doctor but that we probably would have to wait a while. A while later she came out calling another name and when that person did not show up she kinda waved to me to come. Very nice!! So we got to see the doctor a lot sooner than the 3-4 hours. I guess it took us about 1.5 hours total or something like that! Not bad, not bad at all!! I guess they might have felt sorry for Aron being in the doctor's office on his birthday...
Well, the appointment did not do much, we got to show what the problem was, she said she didn't think it was anything bacterial so we should just keep up with the Nystatin-cream. It should get better in a week or two...then we got another excusenote to show at school....
Yep, that's pretty much what happened! We're looking forward to bring out the birthday presents for Aron as soon as he wakes up!
Keep looking and you might even get a pic or two of the event!
We decided to go see a doctor for Aron's rash and fever. At the check-in we got the news that the waiting time would be between 3-4 hours....did we still want to check in?! Well yeah, since we went there it seemed like a good idea..
However after sitting down I told Andreas to go home and study some, so that at least one of us would get something done...not long after he left a nurse came to check Aron's temperature, she said she'd speak to the doctor but that we probably would have to wait a while. A while later she came out calling another name and when that person did not show up she kinda waved to me to come. Very nice!! So we got to see the doctor a lot sooner than the 3-4 hours. I guess it took us about 1.5 hours total or something like that! Not bad, not bad at all!! I guess they might have felt sorry for Aron being in the doctor's office on his birthday...
Well, the appointment did not do much, we got to show what the problem was, she said she didn't think it was anything bacterial so we should just keep up with the Nystatin-cream. It should get better in a week or two...then we got another excusenote to show at school....
Yep, that's pretty much what happened! We're looking forward to bring out the birthday presents for Aron as soon as he wakes up!
Keep looking and you might even get a pic or two of the event!