Merry Christmas!!

Christmas is here! For all of you that celebrate today on Christmas Day I wish you a Merry Christmas, and for all of you who celebrated yesterday I wish you a good continuation of the Christmas!
We did it as we do in Sweden, that is we celebrated yesterday on Christmas Eve! We started out at home with breakfast, getting ready and then some presents. Aron saw the presents early and walked around all morning saying "tep" which is his word for "paket" the Swedish version of present sort of. So we thought it would be cruel not to let him open some. So before lunchtime we opened most of them. He was excited! He really loved ripping the paper off and seeing what was inside!!
After that was done we also went online to talk to grandma and the rest of the family in Indal, however the connection was really bad so we just sat there looking at each other more or less, but at least they got to see Aron for Christmas!! =)

Here are some pics from the morning!

Then it was time for a nap. After that nap Aron was really excited to go see Tilde and her family! We brought with us some Christmas foods and went over there to eat together! It was really a blessed time! We even got an almost authentic Swedish Christmas dinner!! We had Jansson, rödbetssallad, sill, potatis, skinka, vörtbröd (!!), ägg med kaviar, and a lot more! We even had the traditional beverage JULMUST!! I would have to say that i think the best thing was the bread, julvört!! I have so missed Swedish bread over here!! After dinner we had the kids open some more presents! Fun to watch them! Then it was time for the traditional Christmas porridge and after that we went to church!!


Here are some pics from the afternoon!

The whole day was really blessed! Thanks everyone for everything!


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