What a day!!

I suppose I only have myself to blame for not sleeping that much last night. I got to bed at around 1am....so when Aron woke up at around 3 am I wasn't that keen on getting up to play...however he did so we were awake until about 5.30 am or so..then he finally fell asleep for another hour...yeah one hour....and he was awake for a while again, but did go back to sleep until 9 after that so not much sleep.

I also woke up feeling really bad....and I obviously got some kind of stomach bug....no details here....=)

Aron had a high temperature and after a doctor's visit we now know that he has another earinfection....poor thing.

That is not enough, Andreas also had some problems today, with his tooth....the one he got fixed in Sweden this summer....a rootcanal...so he's on painkillers taking care of a fuzzy Aron today....Doing a great job by the way!!!! Thanks!!

As for me, most of the day was spent in bed...resulting in an aching back...

We are praying we all will be well tomorrow though!! And now Aron is on antibiotics over the holidays so hopefully he'll stay well!!

Take care!! I hope you all are doing well for the holidays!!


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